Ob für den Führerscheinerwerb, der betrieblichen Ersten Hilfe, für Erwachsene oder Kinder - der ASB Frankfurt bietet eine Vielzahl von Erste-Hilfe-Kursen an. In diesen vermitteln wir Kenntnisse und Sicherheit, damit Sie im Ernstfall den Menschen in Ihrer Umgebung - insbesondere Ihren Angehörigen - helfen können. Helfen Sie mit, Leben zu retten. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Da sich unser Ausbildungsstandort in der Silostraße 23 (Höchst) derzeit im Umbau befindet, finden unsere öffentlichen Kurse derzeit ausschließlich in unserem Ausbildungsraum in der Hanauer Landstraße 191, 60314 Frankfurt am Main statt. Auf unserer Kursseite können Sie die angebotenen Termine einsehen und sich direkt anmelden.
Anfragen für Inhouse-Schulungen/Firmenkurse richten Sie bitte an:
Access to first aid should not be hindered by a language barrier, which is why ASB Frankfurt also offers courses in English.
The advanced training is suitable for people who would like to refresh and deepen their existing knowledge and skills in the field of first aid. There is a review of the basics as well as situational training based on the needs and wishes of the participants.
ATTENTION: Basic knowledge is required for the course. It is not suitable for obtaining a driving license.
Target group: People who would like to refresh and deepen their first aid knowledge, including company first aiders. For obtaining a driving license please book a basic course.
Prerequisite for participation: The participant's last first aid course should not have been held more than 2 years ago (deadline for company first aiders) or 4 years ago (deadline for school teachers) at the start of the course. The minimum age for the course is 14 years.
Course duration: 9 teaching units (TU) of 45 minutes each
Participation fee: 50,00 Euro
The participation fee must be paid on the day of the course by giro or credit card (no cash payment possible!). Please also note the details below.
Further information on paying the participation fee: Annual first aid voucher: ASB members can redeem their annual first aid voucher. Please bring the completed voucher and your membership card with you to the course. Have you misplaced or lost your voucher? No problem. You can download your personal first aid voucher here as a PDF file or reorder it from the ASB federal association's free membership hotline: 0800 2722 255 (toll-free). > Member companies must apply to the Unfallkasse Hessen (UKH) in advance for so-called cost assumption confirmations (Kostenübernahmebestätigungen). These must be submitted to the course management on the day of the course together with the settlement form. |